Friday, January 20, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

Happy New Years to Everyone!!! Its been a few weeks since I have posted anything, I figured the long post of our family reunion followed by tons of photos of it and Trei's 2nd Birthday would keep everyone busy for awhile!!! No honestly, I just haven't had the time to go online much recently let alone have time to post anything, since we got home things have been Oh so Busy and it seems it won't be slowing down for awhile. But hey, at least it keeps us busy or as My Dad always used to say out of trouble! Lots of doctors appts for both Trei and I, my prenatals and his 2 year and a "rush to the doctor trip cause we don't know whats wrong with him trip too"..Gotta love those ones....But thankfully we are both doing well! 28 weeks pregnant for me and man I tell ya, I can NOT Wait to have the baby already...I know its what, 12 weeks till the 40 week due date but I am hoping she decides to come early for my sake, but I guess we shall see...For now one of my New Years resolutions has been to get Trei Potty Trained so we don't have two kiddos in Diapers cause Wow, thats "Muy Expensivo" to say the least. Its a big task but it has to be done at some point and I figure may as well get him started now so he is at least "day time potty-Trained" by the time the baby is due so that I am not introducing too many New things to him at once. So far this is day 3 and he is doing pretty well, just a few minutes ago he ran to Daddy and said "potty" so Duane took off at the speed of light (cause we know they can't hold it long at all) down the stairs and put him on the potty and sure enough he went right away. So maybe it is sinking in after all! (I'm crossing my fingers here). Thats about all thats going on right now, just alot of day to day stuff, Doc appts. and gearing up for Duanes trip at the end of next month, he is going abroad for 3 weeks and should be back beginning of March just in time to set things up for the baby. All that to say I think these next few months are gonna go by realllll fassssst for us and before we know it our 2nd addition will be here..EXCITING, we can't wait! I will do my best to not get too far behind on posting and photos, but bear with me for the next few weeks.


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