Monday, March 20, 2006

Not a wink

Didn't sleep a wink last nite, I was my usual exhausted self when I rolled into bed last nite at 10p.m. thinking I would sleep real well since I didn't nap earlier in the day but Nope, tossed and turned for a few hours trying to find the "perfect Position" to sleep in so my lower back that has been throbbing would feel better but as you can guess from this post Didn't find it...Now its 6a.m. and Trei is Ready for a day of action and fun, Guess I better stumble downstairs and brew myself a cup of coffee so I Can at least try to keep up with him...Gotta tell you I am sooo looking forward to having the baby, adios to back pain and insomnia!!! Not gonna miss that one bit I tell ya! My wonderful Hubby gets in tonight real late, can't wait to see him and have him home!!! We missed you Honey!


At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dani, Hope Daddy Duane made it home safely. Enjoy! Love ya, Aunt Karen

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Duane and Danni said...

Yes he did thanks!!! We are happy to have him home again!


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