Hah, I got your blog address at the end of your email while I'm at work, so it reminded me to do some catching up instead of having to ask you so many questions later. This is too funny, Ashlee does the same thing. I snuck up on her when she was doing that and her favorite book to read, for some reason is "The Ugly Duckling". That is all she keeps saying along with a few made up words to go with it when she is reading. Too cute!
Hah, I got your blog address at the end of your email while I'm at work, so it reminded me to do some catching up instead of having to ask you so many questions later. This is too funny, Ashlee does the same thing. I snuck up on her when she was doing that and her favorite book to read, for some reason is "The Ugly Duckling". That is all she keeps saying along with a few made up words to go with it when she is reading. Too cute!
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