Saturday, November 24, 2007

Black Friday

Soooo, I have never gotten up early to go shopping on Black Friday but this year I saw they had some good toy sales at "Toys R US" so I figured I would get up early and see if I could snag some. I figured since we live in the middle of nowhere there would be no lines at the stores, boy was I wrong...I got there 15minutes before opening (5a.m.) and there was a line around the block to get in. Rumor had it that there were people camped out the night before so they could be the 1st ones in. When I heard that I figured since I was up and there I would just see whats left after the 200 people in front of me did. When the doors opened promptly at 5a.m. people started pushing, and squeezing their way into the line and store, but when I made it in it was worse, grown folk fighting over toys and pushing each other out of the way, it was unreal. An employee told me that this was mild compared to previous I just walked around and left and came home and crawlled back into bed with a promise to never get up that early again on Black Friday. I don't think there is anything I want that bad that I have to get up that early, I will resort to staying in my warm bed catching some zzzz's and going shopping at a more Godly hour.


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