Wednesday, June 09, 2010

With Duane flying late all week we have had the blessing of having him home in the mornings for a bit later then usual. Today we went to Panera for Breakfast, the kids were so excited to eat out for breakfast. They had a hard time choosing what they wanted, Trei settled for a Huge cinnamon roll and Desiree got a chocolate Chip Bagel with cream cheese. Its a fun place to go for breakfast.


At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I didn't know they serve B-fast! That's neat!

At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Claire said...

I love eating breakfast out. Whenever we have done so it always feels like we are on a luxurious vacation!!

We used to walk across the street from our house in Plano and eat at Le Madeline for Breakfast and it felt like we were on a road trip. Fun!

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yums and Funs!


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