Thursday, June 16, 2005

New PJ's

I got Trei a New pair of PJ'S today as he out grew his last ones, he wears 2T now, and sometimes 3T, and he is only 18 months...As you will see they are "Bob the Builder" pajamas, reason being he just loves Bob...Which reminds me of a story that happend a few weeks ago when I was looking for a new pair of shoes for Trei, we were at the store and I couldn't seem to find a pair that were the right fit for him and were flexible enough for him to walk in and so on..anyways I was turning to leave when Trei said "Bob" and kept saying it and saying it...I said to him finally, "Trei Bob isn't here,we will watch him when we get home"..He still kept saying Bob and then I looked away and heard him say "UH OH", when I turned back around I noticed a whole rack of "Bob" shoes on the floor, I ended up getting him a pair..guess he was right, Bob was in the store...ha ha!


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