Sunday, August 20, 2006

I Kid you Not...

I am still in denial that I saw this, but just yesterday while I was out with my parents and the kids at a gas station Mom said to me, "Hey Danni, that woman is shaving her eyebrows" to which I replied --withhout looking I might add-- "No Mom its probably one of those new Eyebrow wands that shapes your brows". But then she said now she is shaving her chin, at that point I turned to look and sure enough there was a woman in her car with her kids while her Man was pumping gas with a razor shaving her upper lip/chin and face just like a man would...We were shocked, and disgusted might I add, but there was no doubt it was a Woman, a hairy one I guess....EWWWWWWWWWW!!!


At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you tried the new Fusion? It'll really help you shape your goatee!


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