My brother invited us down to SD for Memorial weekend so we spent a week hanging out with them. Trei and Desiree loved their "Untle Mike" as Desiree calls him, and enjoyed playing with the kids & their many indoor pets. Casey has 2 snakes & Desiree who has no fear of animals held the snake and kissed it, too bad I didn't get that on camera. Nina graciously took me Shopping thru "Buffalo" clothes & her closet which has an enormous selection of nice trendy clothing all my size. I was like a kid in a candy store, I can't tell ya when was the last time I got so many clothes. We also went out to sushi with some friends thanks to Mike who watched my kiddos so I could go & the day B4 I left I got to watch my neice and Nephews play BBALL and Volley ball at the YMCA!!!It was a good trip, thanks for having us Mike & Nina!
Watching "Pink Panther" cartoons with Uncle Mike. Playing Air Hockey with Derek.
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